The Official Website of Pastor William S. Carrol

Collected Works, Sermons, and Teachings of the beloved Pastor, Teacher, Friend.

Video Sermons

His Earlier Sermons

A Faith that Works

  • - 20040118 A Faith that Works Pt-1
  • - 20040125 A Faith that Works Pt-2
  • - 20040208 A Faith that Works Pt-4
  • - 20040215 A Faith that Works Pt-5


Pastor William Carrol

William Solomon Carrol (1964-2021) was a pastor, husband, father, teacher and friend. His legacy continues with his wife Tressy Carrol and family at The Carrol Foundation. The baton that he passed on remains in our hands and in our hearts, as we keep on keeping on.

William S. Carrol – pastor, speaker
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